LED Lighting for Dairy Farmers
The introduction of LED with it’s bright, crisp light changed the standard for lighting in every industry. In agriculture where animal health and cleanliness are the top priority, bright, clear LED light has made it easier for dairy farmers to catch injury and disease early. LED lighting in the right location has also helped farmers maintain clean udders, helping decrease somatic cell count and improving milk quality. Controlling long- and short-day lighting will impact milk production, dry matter intake, and more.
See Udderly Everything
It’s not enough to just swap out your old fluorescent bulbs with LEDs, the placement of the fixture matters. Mounting a fixture too high will cast shadows. In the parlor, holding pen and milking robot area, properly located lights can impact the cow’s ability to relax and load more efficiently. The Under Udder system is designed and installed at the ideal placement for cleanliness and cow comfort.
Don’t allow shadows to keep you from catching the small things before they become a bigger concern. From culturing cows to ensuring the cleanliness of the teat before milking begins, Under Udder will give you the light you need. Made in America, Under Udder delivers the bright, white light of LED directly at the udder. The light placement eliminates all shadows, and you will see a difference in even the brightest milking parlor.
Under Udder is engineered to withstand the daily wear and tear of the dairy industry.
·  Watertight systemÂ
·  Chemical resistance for easy cleaningÂ
·  Cost and energy-efficient LED bulbsÂ
·  Improved cow load timeÂ
·  3-year product warrantyÂ
·  Built to withstand South Dakota winters

Tested by Farmers Across North America
What Farmers are Seeing and Saying
·  A decrease in somatic cell counts (data is an average of year-over-year)
·  Better visuals for culturing cows Â
·  Catch any deformity or cuts early
·  Improved load time improved with reduced shadows
·  The milking team loves it
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Double 12 Under Udder Install
We installed the Under Udder system in a double 12 at this West Michigan Dairy. The process is quick and easy, and the difference is immediate. Check it out!